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Selling Your Screenplay from Anywhere!

You don't live in LA and are having a hard time? Check this out!

Produced Hollywood screenwriter Christopher Wehner has never lived in California yet he has maintained a career for over 23 years.  In this class he offers a step-by-step process for finding and querying those who can represent you, and those who can option and/or purchase your screenplay.

How do you properly structure a powerful and impactful email query that will get you noticed by an agent or producer?  Christopher will cover all this in detail with examples and downloadable templates.  There are things to do and say and not to do and say.  You can't just blindly send off queries, that isn't effect and rarely works.  Paying a service to blast your logline out into the oblivion of Hollywood is as effective as it sounds.   Have a plan of action, have a step-by-step process, and learn how to effectively query Hollywood agents and producers.

Please watch his short introductory video below before making your decision!

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